Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Women just puberty early menstruation should read this article!

When the adult female ovaries begin to ripen and female sex hormones begin to come out gradually. The female's menstrual cycle by an average of 28 days period lasted for 3 to 5 days and the menstrual blood from 20 to a maximum of 120 ml, 50 ml. Most menstruation make women uncomfortable before menstruation and menstrual pain in the abdomen, back pain, breast swelling, feeling overwhelmed.

Should shower at least twice a day and wash underwear and change it regularly. Frequently change sanitary pads regularly. Diligently wash genitals, pants, change sanitary pads every 4 to 6 hours. After urinating and genital washing with clean water. What is important to remember that the uterus has defended itself avoid using drugs or cleaning, you should seek guidance Hospital gynecologist.

1. To keep the heat on the body during menstruation: If you're in the room air would reduce temperatures or wear thick keep the heat on the body 2. Do cold drinks, during menstruation

Eating ice will make the body odor, do affect the body. Try to get a few drinks make you more comfortable during menstruation, such as Longan juice drinks, tea, jam red, health, water, ginseng, brown sugar, water, ginger, tea roses (especially when you hurt the stomach, you can eat roses).

2. Eating sweet during the season: you should eat chocolate, cake, because it helps the body less fat, and it also helps bad smell on the body. Some say such thinking is wrong because when the season will make the body fatter menstruation can end up fat until 1 kg due to dehydration. Therefore, you must not drink too much during the coming season, otherwise the fat and do not eat sweet eating too moderate, otherwise, it will destroy the blood affects the body.

3. Rest more during the season: Rest enough really very tired during menstruation can cause to bleed even more.

4. Need to feel good during the season: menstrual women should avoid feeling angry, frustrated because it can disrupt the menstrual and makes it even more painful.

5. Do not soak the pool during the season: because it is when the cervix is open, and on the other hand also has a lot of impact from entry toxic so good shower bath is good for you.

6. Eating foods properly: During the past few days, you can get duck, sesame oil, liver, because it can help eliminate the smell of blood. Apart from this, you can also get an egg roll, milk, soup, beans, soup, longan, dessert or eggs. After a 7-day period, if the body has a bad smell over time, can cause inflammation of the uterus, liver disease, skin irritation and can be many other diseases.

Why are women more prone to liver disease than men? Because the monthly menstrual blood defeated and clear toxins from the body, so few people with liver disease.

7. Back to see a doctor after the season: you can eat soup, rib or chicken soup is best to add a little white wine. Drink every day for 3 to 6 days.

8. Cause to happen before the season: because the pores open during menstruation prone to acne. Work cleansing facial hair can cause hurt bloodstream.

9. Prone to a backache: Some people with back pain during menstruation to increase circulation and pain in the hip.

Instructions: You can wash genitals because most infectious disease caused by bacteria. Usually, parasites in the gut do not cause disease, but if it is out of the anus into the urinary tract, it can cause urinary tract inflammation. So to use toilet paper to wipe clean from front to back to avoid infection of the uterus. If using spray wash cleaning buttocks carefully.

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